Social factors in family choice of private education
A field study in primary schools in Erbil
Education, private schools, students, families, schools.Abstract
This study study investigates the motivations behind families opting for non-governmental schools for their children's education. Employing a qualitative research approach, data was gathered through semi-structured interviews. The central inquiry of the study revolves around the question: "What drives parents to enroll their children in private schools?" The research encompasses 25 non-governmental primary schools in Erbil, operating under the Erbil Education Directorate. The study sample consisted of 22 parents with children attending these schools. The research findings highlight several key factors influencing parents' choices, including the quality of school infrastructure, services, and educational standards. Additionally, English-language instruction and a robust educational system emerged as significant factors, though many families expressed concerns regarding the high tuition fees.
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