Experiences of Applying Electronic School Management in A Number of Countries and the Possibility of Benefiting from Them


  • Shahzad Ramadan Hasan Department of General Education, College of Languages and Education, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq,




administration, technology, school administration, electronic administration, electronic school administration


The aim of the research is to showcase the experiences of some countries in the application of school electronic management and the possibility of getting benefits from them at the local level. The researcher used the comparative approach by presenting the experiences of some Arab and foreign countries in applying and analyzing electronic studying of school management and how to get benefits from them. The researcher clarified the concept of electronic management, its importance, objectives and motives for its application in schools. The researcher reviewed the experiences of some foreign countries in the application of electronic school management, such as the experience of (the United States of America, Singapore, France) and conducted a comparative analysis between them, as well as the experience of some Arab countries in this field as the experience of (Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt) and applied a comparative analysis between them. The researcher concluded the following: There is a need for scientific and realistic planning gradually according to the stages of the process of applying electronic school management, the existence of a clear comprehensive strategy that falls under the e-government strategy for the qualitative transition from traditional school management to electronic, the formation of positive trends for individuals and institutions towards technology, training administrative and educational cadres and the beneficiary groups of students and parents for the application of electronic school management, ensuring the involvement of the private sector and local community institutions to invest in the services provided, providing the basic requirements in the application (financial, human, administrative) considering the privacy of the country.




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