Examining the Psychosexual Development in Bryony Lavery’s Frozen
psychosexual, sexual misconduct, child abuse, psychopathyپوختە
Sexual abuse is a common phenomenon across the globe; this crime has gained much attention to the extent that a great number of studies have been carried out on this subject. Hence, kids have always been victims of this reprehensible act. One will wonder why some men are stimulated to commit this heinous crime especially against the underage; many of these kids never open up to anyone due to some factors: most of them have always been victimised by the perpetrator—their lives have always been threatened, while some of them are scared of being stigmatised by the society. But it is essential to understand that the act of sexual abuse is also connected to psychopathic problem. This psychopathic problem requires the service of a competent psychiatrist to provide permanent solution. Therefore, this article examines the psychosexual development in the Frozen as presented by Bryony Lavery; and how she proffers solution to this critical problem is brought under focus. Lavery examines the cause of sexual misconduct—pedophilia and also provides solution to it. But Lavery has refused to propose punishment for the offender, rather, she suggests that he should be forgiven due to the fact that he has been overwhelmed by the feelings he has no power to control—therefore forgiveness is needed rather than getting frozen in hatred.
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