The Role of Color Traps and Attractive Baits in Reducing Damage of Red Wasp Vespa orientalis L. on Honeybee Colonies in Khabat/Erbil-Iraq


  • Yaseen Muhammad Abdullah Department of Plant Protection, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Abdulrahim Omer Mustafa Department of Plant Protection, General Directorate of Agricultural, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Mudhafar Ismael Hamad Department of Plant Protection, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Red wasp، Vespa orientalis L., Color Traps, Attraction Baits, spring and Autumn Season


In the present study which carried out in the Khabat Technical Institute for the spring and autumn seasons during the period from 1/4/2014 to 3/10/2014 by applying special techniques for hunting wasps that attack honey bee colonies in the apiary, in order to know the attraction of red wasps (Vespa orientalis L.). Study result found that the techniques used in capturing and hunting wasps all serve to reduce the severity of red wasps attacks. The results indicated the superiority of the data for the averages annual numbers of traps were (pink, yellow, green, and comparison) was (78.9), (110.8), (80.1) and (30) respectively. The average number of wasps trapped (84.8), (98.1), (79.4) and (79.2) by taste traps (pear juice, date palms juice, grape juice and control (the sugar solution)), respectively. The efficiency of colored traps on attracting wasps from transparent traps (without color), the mean of yellow traps significantly different from other by (110.8) wasps/trap however the efficiency of the rest of color traps adhesively better than control, as well as the taste of dates palm juice significantly on average (98.1) wasp / trap higher compare to the rest of the juice traps. 




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