The meaning of colors in the poems by Fazil Shawro
The meaning of colors, New poems, rhetoric, The mening of symbole, concept of the colorAbstract
This study is titled 'The meaning of colors in the poems by Fazil Shawro'. It is an analytical descriptive study which considers the use of colors and their meaning in different contexts by the poet. It is evident that, the cultural diversity and nations' perspective have impact on the meaning that is given to each color. This study mainly aims at examining the meaning of colors that are used by the poet on the one hand, and also it will be a chance to get a deeper insight into the capability and the competence of the poet in the way that he has dealt with the colors. Moreover, this study also elaborates on the universal perspectives of Shawro towards colors used as the essential elements of ecstatic and beauty in literary texts, namely poems. This study consists of two chapters. Chapter one which is an introductory part the concept of color and how scientifically examined consists of four sections. The first section is devoted to the definition and the concept of color, the second section identifies color from a scientific perspective, the third question presents the meaning of colors in the Kurdish folklore, and the fourth section illustrates the relationship between color and rhetoric. Chapter two is devoted to the meaning, status, use and the influence of colors in the poet's poems. This chapter also consists of four sections. The first section examines the meaning of color, the second one shows the use of colors as symbolic units, the third one determines the status and the importance of colors, and the last one is concerned with the dimensions and the influences of colors in Fazil Shawro's poems. Finally, this study ends with the most important concluding points and the list of used references.
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سێ یهم : سهرچاوهی ئهنتهرنێت
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