Rhetorical Argumentation in Formulation of News
argumentation, rhetoric, rhetorical argumentation persuasion, formulation of newsAbstract
Rhetoric has turned to become a broad knowledge of society, as it is no longer a science for the specific discourse, but rather has become a science for all discourses. Rhetorical argumentations have left a great influence in contemporary studies; this influence has broadened the field of literature under any concept New Rhetoric by which both sides are focused on as a primary means of persuasion. Rhetoric has been associated with argumentation since its inception and the ancients have presented it as revealing possible ways to persuade and in whatever subject. This perception has been linked with the theory that has grown the persuasive side of rhetoric, and developed to integrate rhetoric into the concerns of contemporary deliberative research. This current theory decided the existence of argumentation in all discourses such as; society, politics, media, publicity ... etc., meaning that it covers all the fields of discourse that aims at understanding and persuasion, regardless of the statues of sender and recipient or whatever the method used and the nature of the subject. In formulation of news, the sender searches for the ways that lead to the public’s conviction of the contents in the news. It is important for him to read or view as many audiences as possible. Today everyone can formulate news, but the news that is literally crafted and contains the aesthetics of rhetoric affects. It is convinced by the audience, and remains in the memory
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