Storytelling, and its role in the consolidation of the values of faith, in the collection of “The Words” by BediuzzamanSaid Nursi


  • حسن سرباز الأستاذ المشارك - كلية الآداب واللغات الأجنبية - جامعة كردستان - سنندج - ايران



Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, storytelling, values of faith, Rasael al-Nur,The Words.


Storytelling is among literary styles suitable for the expression of ideas and the dissemination of values and virtues, while having a charming power in stirring up emotions and feeding it. Therefore, a large portion of the pages of the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Hadiths includes this style, and Allah has ordered his Prophet (pbuh) to use it as a means of propagating the Islamic call and consolidating the doctrine of monotheism in the hearts of people and teaching themthe Islamic principles and humanistic values, and also as a means for contemplatingthe signs existing inthe world outside and inside us. The preachers and reformers, including BediuzzamanSaid Nursi, has benefited from the storytelling and considered it a great educational tool for propagating Islamic values and ideas, following the Quran and Sunnah. Bediuzzamanused this literary method in “Rasael al-Nur” Collection to bring the meanings closer to mind and show the reasonableness of Islamic truths. This research aims at studying the use of storytelling in the collection of "The Words" and its role in the consolidation of the values of faith, according to the descriptive-analytical methodology. The researcher has studied thirteen sample stories which could be called short stories. These stories were used to interpret the Quranic verses and to clarify the concepts of faith and themoral values. The stories contained in “The Words” are dramatic narratives considered by Bediuzzamanto becertainly true. In the majority of Bediuzzaman’s dramatic narratives, there is an introduction inviting the addressee to listen to his story so that they can understand the subject, even he sometimes addresses and invites himself to listen to the current story. Bediuzzaman doesn’t leave his audience to deduce lessons from the stories by themselves, but explains the story and his intention behindit after finishing telling it.




-األؾئب اىلممٖ ٌَ األؾاى٘ة األد٘ة اىٍِاؾبة ىب٘ان األـکار و ُقػ اىلً٘ و اىفوالو و ىّ كعرة ؾاشػة غي إخارة اىػٔاطؿ و ثؾغٗجٓا و ىغىک كع فؾو ْغا األؾئب شّ٘ؼ

اىللػآن اىکلػًٗ و األشادٗلح اىِبّٔٗلة و أ ّن ا ثػلاى كلع أٌلػ ُب )ص( أن ّٗجظلغه وؾل٘ية ٌلَ ّ٘لّ وؾالو ُقػ اىعغٔة اإلؾالٌّ٘ة و ثأل٘و غل٘عة اىجٔش٘ع ـٖ ُفٔؾًٓ"

ا ىيلػآن اىکػًٗ و اىؿِّة اىِبّٔٗة ٌَ األؾئب اىلممٖ

-كع اؾجفاد نعٗع اىؼٌان ؾػ٘ع اىِٔرؾٖ ثبػ و اغجبػه وؾ٘ية ثػنّٔٗة رالػة ىِقػ اىلً٘ و األـکار اإلؾالٌّ٘ة"

-اؾجظعم نعٗع اىؼٌان ْغا األؾئب األدنٖ ـٖ »رؾالو اىِٔر« شجل ٗللّػب اىٍػلاُٖ إىل اىلغَْ وّ٘ ة اىصلالق اإلؾالٌّ٘ة"ٗ ظٓػ ٌػلٔىّ٘ ة ٍٗکَ إطالق اىل ّمة اىلم٘ػة غي٘ٓا و

-ورعت ـٖ ٌزٍٔغة »اىکيٍات« خالث غقػة شکاٗة ثٍد٘يّ٘ لة و اىللًّ٘٘ لة و ثٔهل٘س اىٍفلاًْ٘ اإلٍٗاُ

كلع اؾلجظعٌت ْلغه اىلملك ىجفؿل٘ػ اآلٗلات اىلػآُ اىظيلّ٘ة"ّ٘ ة ٗؿلطٓا نعٗع اىؼٌان غي اىٔاكع

-اىلمك اىٍٔرٔدة ـٖ ٌزٍٔغة »اىکيٍات« ْٖ شکاٗات ثٍد٘ي و نغىک ٗػجبػْا شلالق ـٖ ٌِجٓ اىمعق و اىٔاكع"

ٍّٓٗ-ع نعٗع اىؼٌان ىٍػظً شکاٗاثّ اىجٍد٘ي٘ة نٍلعٌة ٗعغٔ ـ٘ٓا اىٍظاطة إى اؾجٍاع كمجّ شجٗ فًٓ اىٍٔهٔع اىغي ٗػٗع ن٘اُلّ و ـلٖ نػلن اىلملك ٗظاطلة ُفؿلّ و ٗلعغْٔا إىل اؾلجٍاع


-الٗجػک نعٗع اىؼٌان اىلاريء ٌع كممّ و شکاٗاثّ شج ٗجأٌّو ـ٘ٓا و ٗؿلجظػج ٌِٓلا اىلعروس وَّ٘ ٌا ٗلمع ٌِٓا" اىػبػ نو ٗقػح اىلمة نػع االُجٓاء غَ ؾػدْا و

-اىبظاري ٌصٍع نَ اؾٍاغ٘و ) 3477 )ضديح امبزاري اىطبػة األوى دار طٔق اىِزاة"

-ؾلػناز شؿلَ ) 7133 )غنيي حخىيس بيا وير و امقطية اإلسي وية اىطبػلة األوىل طٓلػان دار إشؿان ىيِقػ واىجٔزٗع"

-ؾػ٘ع اىِٔرؾٖ نعٗع اىؼٌلان ) 7118 ) امشيػاغات ثػرٍلة إشؿلان كاؾلً اىملاىصٖ اىطبػلّ اىظاٌؿة اىلاْػة فػکة ؾٔزىؼ"

-ؾلػ٘ع اىِٔرؾلٖ نلعٗع اىؼٌلان ) 7118 ) امکنىيات ثػرٍلة إشؿلان كاؾلً اىملاىصٖ اىطبػلّ اىظاٌؿة اىلاْػة فػکة ؾٔزىؼ"

-ؾللػ٘ع اىِٔرؾللٖ نللعٗع اىؼٌللان ) 7111 ) امىوٌييِي امػربييي امٌييِري ثػرٍللة إشؿللان كاؾللً اىماىصٖ اىطبػّ اىداىدة اىلاْػة فػکة ؾٔزىؼ"

-غط٘لة ؾلػ٘ع ) 7116 )اإلغجياز امقططيي فيي امقيرآن اىطبػلة األوىل اىللاْػة داراآلـلاق اىػػن٘ة"

-غيٖ لبس غيٖ امجطِير امقرآًي منقيه امزنقية و امجشريػية اىٍکجبة األزْػٗة ىيجػاث"

-اىلق٘ػي اىِ٘ؿانٔري ٌؿيً نَ شزاج ضديح وسنه ن٘ػوت دار إش٘اء اىجػاث اىػػنٖ"

-كطة ٌصٍع ) 7116 )وٌُج امفي اإلس وي اىطبػة اىداُ٘ة اىلاْػة دار اىقػوق"

ٌ-ػثاض غبعاىٍيک ) 3998 )في ًظرّية امرواية بدح فيي ثقٌييات امسيرد اىکٔٗلت اىٍزيلؽ اىٔطِٖ ىيدلاـة و اىفِٔن و األداب


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