The reality of the industrial sector In the GCC and manufacturing strategies (Similar to the 2008/2009 crisis)


  • هۆشیار معروف مركز البحوث والدراسات الاستراتيجية / الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية



Industrial sector, transformation, GCC countries, industrialization strategies, crisis, oil and gas, development mode, export, prospects, economic structure


No doubt , that the GCC countries have already allocated and spent huge sums of capital on the industrial development  , and they have achieved significant developments in the fields of physical infrastructure and in distribution activities (commercial and credit), however these countries still suffer from production and export concentration in few primary extractive products : oil and gas and weak technical linkages (forward and backward) within their manufacturing sectors in general . With the absence of long-term and stable strategic framework there are no development patterns being determined to ensure the diversification of production and structural integration of the economies concerned. Here, the study attempts to identify weaknesses and focus on
strategies that can address the two most important topics, one related to the size of industrial firms and the other to  patterns according to the (labour and capital intensities) of production. 




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