التوزيع الجغرافي لكاربونات الكالسيوم فى ترب محافظة أربيل


  • أ.م.د. ليلى محمد قهرمان قسم التربية العامة/ كلية التربية واللغات/ الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية




Calcium Carbonate, Soil values, Diagonal Lines, Calcification, Basic Rocks and Mother Materials.


(10) different sections were selected within the Governorate of Erbil to dig profiles and study their soils, the selection of sections based on variation in the nature of prevailing climatic conditions, especially rainfall rates and the kind of the basic rocks and parent materials from which the soil was formed as well as irrigation methods used and how to use the soil for agriculture. After describing the locations of the profiles and description of the soil, samples of each layer were taken for laboratory analyzing to estimate same physical and chemical properties, including CaCO3 %, the results showed significant differences in CaCO3 % between different sites horizontally from south to north side of the study area as well as vertically from the surface layer towards the sub-surface and deep layers based on the kind of the basic rocks and parent materials from which the soil was formed. By using the pearson correlation coefficient at a 1% probability level, the relationships showed the negative high significant relation between the values of rain lines and CaCO3% and a significant negative relation between Silt % and CaCO3 % in the surface
layers, while the association with the Sand % was high significant negative relation in the deep layers,positive high significant relation between CaCO3% and each of pH and EC in the surface and the deep layers consequently and negative significant relation with O.M% in the surface layers.




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-حةداد و مةمحود, هاشممممس اةممممم حةمةدةمم, وامة اة وةة, ةاريةةمممم ا ا هةولي ر, ضمممما ىا ة شةهاب- هةولي ر, 1100

-الشمالي3 خالد خيري3 أساسيات علوم األراضي واألتربة3 دار البيضاء3 عمان3 1110.

-العاني3 عبداللة نجم3 مباديء علم التربة3 جامعة بغداد3 مؤسسة دار الكتب للطباعة والنشر3 0191.

-عباس3 محمد خضر3 نشوء و مورفولوجيا التربة3 جامعة موصل3 0191.

-العكيدي والعيسااااوي3 وليد خالد و شااااكر محمود3 مورفولوجي التربة3 جامعة بغداد3 بيت الحكمة3 .0191

-العكيدي3 وليد خالد3 علم البدولوجي3( مسااااان وتصاااااني التربة(3 جامعة بغداد3 مديرية دار الكتب للطباعة والنشر3 جامعة الموصل3 0192.

-عالوي و حمادي3 بدرجاسم و خالد بدر3 إستصالح األراضى3 جامعة الموصل3 0191.

-موالي3 محماد عباد 3 جغرافياا الترباة3 مكتباة المجتمع العربى للنشاااااار والتوزيع3 الطبعاة االولى3 .1112


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