ستراتیژی سیاسەتی دەرەوەی ئیران بەرامبەر بەهەرێمی كوردستان "لەدوای داگیركاری عێراق لەساڵی ٢٠٠٢"


  • م.ی. بارزان جەوهەر سادق بەشى دبلۆماسیەت و پەیوەندییە نێودەوڵەتییەکان/ زانکۆى لوبنانى فەرەنسى




Strategy, Foreign Policy, Iran, Kurdistan Region Iraq, Occupation


Kurdistan Region is located among three big civilizations (Persian, Turkish, and Arabic). For Centuries, Kurd's land became the field to clash between these civilizations. Since Islam conflict via Persian Sasany and Romans in Medieval till now, Kurdistan Region has occupied and oppressed by these authorities. In each period, they applied difference mechanisms to make hegemony on the region, such as, history, coexistence, ethnic, geography, religious to their support by Kurdistan Region to its self-interest.
Currently, each of these civilizations attempt to hold Kurdistan Region to its hegemony in the region. The Shi'a polar that Iran is its motivator has rounded Kurdistan Region in three sides, Iran, Iraqi Shia and Syria Alawy. This polar is part of Russia polar. Second, polar that working to pull Kurdistan Region is consist of Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia (Sunni Front) which joined US and Western States. Iran practices Double Stander policy regarding Kurdistan Region. In one hand, Iran believes that the political and economic stability the Kurdistan Region is part of its country security and cannot lose its strategic interests, typically after the independence of Kurdistan Region in economic and political side with found, and sent its pipe energy to abroad. On the other hand, strengthening of Kurdistan Region and joining with Sunni Front in the region count as a serious threat on its Kurds territory and domestic security. This study attempts to find out the attitude of Iran's Foreign Policy regarding Kurdistan Region. Initially, I explained a theoretical framework to connect Iran foreign policy in Constructivism and Realism theories of international relations and relation with the Kurdistan Region, since without this; we cannot select Iran's way of dealing regarding Kurdistan Region. In first chapter, we came to analyzing Iran's foreign policy elements, such as, the basic of "Wlayat Faqhi", "Tawala Tabary" then carry out this classical politics by Quds Military Force that is part of Pasdaran force in Meddle East to make strong security
circle around Iran. Further, in this part we discuss Iran-Iraq relations based on cooperation between them against Sunni Front and their relation based on Algeria Agreement. There is explanation of formal and informal relations between both countries in the second chapter. Third chapter demonstrates the strategy of Iran in same issues regarding Kurdistan Region such as division of Iraq, independence of Southern Kurdistan and effect on the balance of power in advantage of Sunni Front. As well as, Iran attitude in some its interests in Kurdistan Region in last part. 




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