The Impact of Brexit on Illegal Immigration to the UK


  • Sara Haiman Ali Briah Department of International and Diplomacy, College of Political Sciences, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Brexit, European Union, Illegal Migration, The United Kingdom, Dublin Agreement.


The United Kingdom's political, economic, and social challenges have been greatly impacted by the Brexit referendum (UK). The problem of immigration to the UK is also among the most significant Brexit-related challenges. The issue of illegal immigration to the UK will be the main subject of this study. This study's goal is to analyse the most significant effects that have an impact on the prevention of unauthorized immigration into the UK. The UK government's decision to announce new immigration regulations as one of its immigration-control measures will have a significant impact on the country's capacity to manage its borders. Additionally, the Dublin Accord, which is regarded as the most significant agreement between the EU member nations with regard to the control of illegal immigration, will no longer apply to the UK if it withdraws from the European Union (EU). The conclusion of this research is that leaving the EU will result in the loss of the Dublin Agreement as a symbolic tool for British policymakers, preventing them from turning to the EU for assistance should they lose control over immigration. This will increase in the number of illegal immigrants in the UK.




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