رسالة مخطوطة ( هذا فرق بين اسم الفاعل والفعل ) للشيخ محمود البيتوشي دراسة وتحقيق
This research is dedicated to the study and investigation of the manuscript of one of the famous Kurdish scholars (Shaykh Mullah Mahmood al-Baytushi), who has not received any attention to this day. Also, there is not much information about his life and
his manuscripts. The manuscript (This is a difference between The Subject and the Verb) in which the differences and similarities between the two elements are presented. It is composed of two parts; first part is devoted to research and study the life of Sheikh
Mullah Mahmoud Al-Betoushi and the deference between the two elements; while the second section presents the scientific investigation of the manuscript mentioned above. Finally, the research presents the most important findings followed by references and a summary in the three languages Kurdish, Arabic and English
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