The Relationship Between Ecocriticism and War


  • Soran Mamnd Abdullah Department of Kurdish, College of Languages, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Maulood Ibrahim Hasan Department of Kurdish, College of Languages, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Ecocriticism, War, Devastation of The Environment, Humanity, William Ruckert


This research which is entitled “The Relationship Between Ecocriticism and War” aims at the analysis and presentation of the roots of the rise of the ecocriticism according to the thoughts and principles of the critics in the field of world literature, ecocriticism, ecology, and different cultures.

The significance and importance of such researches are due to prominent existence of the society and culture within the literary texts that noticeably influence human being’s perception and behavior at a universal level. From this point of view, the term ecocriticism and its concept as a post-modern critical theory is discussed in this study, and though it has various fields and branches, only the ecocriticism and war are studied in this research. The ecology of war and its negative effects on the environment and its constituents are our main concerns in this study and carrying out the research helps and enables us to raise the consciousness level and leading the whole towards the acceptance of taking the responsibility towards the environment care. Since the environment is not merely the source of life and prosperity but also it is rather an integrated and more complicated system, therefore human being’s view and understanding towards it should be modified in order to prevent more catastrophes and devastation caused by war and occupation.




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