Factors of weakness of the scientific level of students of the Department of Arabic language in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and how to promote it A field study on a sample of the teachers of the Department of Arabic Language and its students in the city


  • نزار خورشيد مامة كلية التربية / آكري - جامعة دهوك
  • رشاد كمال مصطفى كلية التربية / آكري - جامعة دهوك




Language weakness factors, language learning for nonnative speakers, teaching and learning Arabic, language skills, Arabic for non-native .speakers


This field study tries to determine the most important factors of the weakness of the student level in the Arabic language in the Kurdistan region and to find successful solutions to these factors and reasons. The importance ofstudy lies in its reliance on field analysis and scientific and academic foundations in assessing the dimensions of the problem. The aim of this letter is to try to improve the reality of the Arabic language departments in the Kurdistan region of Iraq The purpose of this letter is to try to promote the reality of the Arabic language departments in the Kurdistan region of Iraq whenthe study in the schools of Kurdistan region became Kurdish after March uprising Hence, the problem of research and study lies in the weak level of students of Arabic language department in the Kurdistan region and the lack of mastery of most of the students of the basic language skills of Arabic language, especially after graduation. In the study, several questions raised on the factors and reasons that
contributed in the low level of the student in order to find the appropriate solutions for this low level.


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.أضٍػ غتػ اىؽضٍَ ضؽـٖ غيٖ)1020-1022 ،)اىٍشانو اىخؽن٘ت٘ث اىخٖ حٔاسّ ٌخػيٍٖ اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث ـٖ اىطٌٔال)دراـث ىؾٔٗث حؽت٘ل٘ث( ، رـاىث ٌاسفخ٘ؽ، ةإشؽاف أ. د. ٌِطٔر اىفطٍٖ٘،

ساٌػث اىٍػِٗث اىػاىٍ٘ث ـٖ ٌاى٘ؾٗا .

.اىتػري , ـٍ٘ؽة ٌٔـٕ )1002ٌ ،)طؽيطات حؽةٔٗث وُفف٘ث , ط2ٌ , ؽتػث دار اىرلاـث ىيِشؽ واىخٔزٗع, ة٘ؽوت.

.ةِػر ةَ غتػ اىؽضٍَ اىؽٔٗان )1002 , )عػؿ اىؽالب ـٖ ٌٔاد اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث أـتاب وضئل, ضط٘فث اىشؾٗؽة, اىػػد )20121 .)حً اىؽالع غيّ٘ حأرٗظ 1/1/1021ٌٔ ٌَ كع اىطط٘فث

االىهخؽوُ٘ث غيٕ االُخؽُج.

.سٔدت اىؽناةٖ )1002 ,)ؼؽق حػرٗؿ اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث , ط 20 , دار اىفهؽ اىٍػاضؽ , ة٘ؽوت.

.ـِػس غتػ اىلادر ٌاسػة غتػاإلىّ )1001 , )اىطػٔةات اىخٖ حٔاسّ ؼيتث اىٍؽضيث اىراىرث ـٖ كفً اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث ـٖ ني٘خٖ اىخؽة٘ث ىيتِات واةَ رشػ/ ساٌػث ةؾػاد ـٖ دراـث ٌادة ٌِاْز اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث، ٌشيث ني٘ث اىخؽة٘ث ىيتِات , اىٍشيػ 22 , اىػػد )1 , )ساٌػث ةؾػاد.

.ـ٘ؿ ؼارق ضفَ٘ اىػ٘فاوي )1021 , )كػرة ؼيتث كفً اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث / ني٘ث اىخؽة٘ث ـٖ اـخِتاط اىطٔر اىتالؽ٘ث ٌَ اىِطٔص اىلؽآُ٘ث, ٌشيث ني٘ث اىخؽة٘ث األـاـ٘ث, اىػػد )1 , )ساٌػث ةاةو, اىػؽاق.

.غت٘ػات ٌطٍػ وآعؽون )2222ٌِٓ , )ش٘ث اىتطد اىػيٍٖ – اىلٔاغػ واىٍؽاضو واىخؽت٘لات - , دار وائو ىيشؽ, غٍان – األردن.

.ـؤاد أةٔ ضؽب وٌطٍػ ـ٘ؿ اىػَٗ ـٍٖٓ, )2212ٌ ,)ػشً غيً اىِفؿ واىخؽة٘ث , اىٓ٘ئث اىػاٌث ىشؤون اىٍؽاةع األٌ٘ؽٗث، ٌطؽ .

.نٍال ؼاْؽ اىتؽزُشٖ )1002 ,)اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث .. ىٍاذا ؟ , ٌشيث أـاق حؽةٔٗث , اىػػد )1 , )حطػرْا وزارة اىخؽة٘ث ـٖ إكيً٘ نؽدـخان اىػؽاق.

ٌ .شٍع اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث , )1002 , )اىٍػشً اىٔـ٘ػ , ط 2ٌ , هختث اىشؽوق اىػوى٘ث.

ُ .شار , ـؽٗػ ستؽائ٘و وآعؽون )2210 ,)كأٌس اىخؽة٘ث وغيً اىِفؿ, ٌِشٔرات دائؽة اىخؽة٘ث , ة٘ؽوت.

ُٔ .ر اىػَٗ ٌطٍػ إةؽاًْ٘ )1022 , )اىل٘ادة ٌؤـفات اىخػيً٘ اىػاىٖ، ط2 ,اىػار اىػؽة٘ث ىيػئمُ اشؽون , ة٘ؽوت.

ْ .ػٗث غادل عازُاناحتٖ ) 1022 ، )االـخؽاح٘ش٘ات اىخٖ ٗفخغػٌٓا اىؽيتث االساُب اىػارـٔن ىيؾثً اىػؽة٘ث نيؾث ذاُ٘ث ـٖ ٌؽنؾ اىيؾات ـٖ اىشاٌػث االردُ٘ث –

ؼيتث اىٍفخٔى اىفادس أٍُٔذسا - ، ساٌػث ٌؽٌؽة ، حً االؼالع غيّ٘ ةخارٗظ 20/1/1021 ٌَ اىٍٔكع -e dergi.marmara.edu.tr/maruifd/article/download/5000033700/5000033670

ٗ .طٕ٘ عي٘فث ضفَ اىشؽٗفٖ )1020 ،)حلًٔٗ ٌفخٔى ؼيتث أكفام اىيؾث اىػؽة٘ث ىهي٘ات اىخؽة٘ث ـٖ اىشاٌػات اىػؽاك٘ث ـٖ ٌادة األدب اىػؽةٖ اىطػٗد , ٌشيث اىلادـ٘ث ىيػئم اإلُفاُ٘ث , اىٍشيػ )21 , )اىػػد )2 , )ساٌػث اىلادـ٘ث, اىػؽاق.




How to Cite

نزار خورشيد مامة, & رشاد كمال مصطفى. (2019). Factors of weakness of the scientific level of students of the Department of Arabic language in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and how to promote it A field study on a sample of the teachers of the Department of Arabic Language and its students in the city . QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 4(1), 402–447. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.4.1.12


