Between Syntactic Carpentry and Dependency Grammar Similarities and Differences


  • Hayder Haji Khdir Ministry of Education, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Sabah Rasheed Qadir Department of Kurdish, College of Languages, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Syntactic Carpentry, Dependency, Emergentism, Verb Arguments Grid, Referential Dependency, Agreement Dependency


Syntactic carpentry is considered as a modern syntactic theory, although it does not acknowledge the existence of any prior grammatical rule in the analysis and interpretation of the language, but through it’s analyzes of some sentences and phrases, it seems that it has been influenced by some previous syntactic theories, especially the dependency grammar. This paper, as research drawn from doctoral dissertation, which is titled (Between Syntactic Carpentry and Dependency Grammar – Similarities and Differences) discusses how and extent of the effects of dependency grammar on it, as well as presents some of the differences and similarities within them.




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