South Kurdistan In The Light Of Archaeological Excavations

Erbil Province For Example


  • Abdullah Bakr Othman Department of Archaeology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan ‎Region, Iraq



Excavations, surveying, archeology, history, civilization


According to archaeological evidence, Southern Kurdistan is considered as an importanat part of the ‎cradle of ancient civilizations. The conduct of ancient and modern refinements ‎reinforces these facts. After a long period, excavations begin again in southern ‎Kurdistan, which give new information about the history of Kurdistan. Most ‎of the ancient and modern excavations were carried out by foreign ‎archaeologists, and the results are interesting. This research sheds light on ‎some of the subjetcs, including talking about a summary of the history of the ‎excavations in Iraq. Then the ancient and modern excavations in Iraq and ‎southern Kurdistan, especially the Erbil Governorate. Finaly, it sheds light on ‎the historical aspects of the history of Southern Kurdistan and Erbil ‎Governorate.‎

The main objective of writing this research is to highlight the historical and ‎archaeological importance of Southern Kurdistan, especially the Erbil ‎Governorate. The study of this topic is necessary for archaeological and ‎history researchers to study the region from all its aspects to add accurate ‎historical and archaeological information regarding the archaeological ‎excavations in Erbil Governorate, while the results of Excavations that took ‎place in some of the sites studied in our research during ancient and modern ‎excavations located within the governorate of Erbil confirm that this region ‎was, throughout prehistoric times, a center for human presence and a cradle ‎for the emergence of ancient civilizations.‎


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How to Cite

Abdullah Bakr Othman. (2024). South Kurdistan In The Light Of Archaeological Excavations : Erbil Province For Example. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 9(3), 1–19.




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