Evaluate The Relationship Between the Air Transport Environment and The Quality Services Provided to Tourists in The Kurdistan Region


  • Karwan Khalid Hamad Department ofAdministration, College of Business Administration, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Tavga Qadir Omer Department of Administration, College of Business Administration, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq



الكلمات المفتاحية:

quality of service provided to tourists, quality of services, and aviation relationship with tourism, air transport environment.


The research aims to study the evaluation of the relationship between the air transport environment and the quality of services provided to tourists in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for the period 2018-2019, which is an exploratory study in a sample of airlines
in the city of Erbil. The independent variable is represented in four axes: (the role of aviation organizations, the role of air safety and security, the role of human resources training and the role of quality awards) that affect the quality of services provided to
tourists by airlines.
The research relies on the first two descriptive approaches, that is, it seeks to describe the various economic phenomena and study the factors that led to their emergence. The number of airlines was (52) companies, the questionnaire was distributed to them as a tool to collect data and information, and then we developed a hypothetical model based on a set of assumptions, including:

1- There is a statistically significant moral relationship between aviation and the quality of services provided by airlines.
2- There is a significant statistical relationship between air safety and the quality of services provided by airlines.
3- There is a significant statistical relationship between the training of human resources and the quality of services provided by airlines.
4- There is a statistically significant moral relationship between the quality awards and the quality of services provided by airlines.
5- Each of the four axes has an impact on the quality of services provided by airlines. The second approach adopts the analytical approach to analyze the data or information collected quantitatively, which is digital analysis by adopting mathematical and
statistical relationships and equations and using them to analyze the results 


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ئامانجى تويزينه وه ليكولينه وه ى هه لسه نكانى به يوه نديه له نيوان كواستنه وه ى ئاسمانى وه جورى ياخود كواليتى خزمه ت كوزارى بيش كه ش كراو بوكه شتيار له هه ريمى كوردستان بو سالى 2018-2019 له شارى هه ولير, ئه مه ش ليكولينه وه ى عينه يه ك له كومبانياى كواستنه وه ى ئاسمانى وه جوار ته وه ر له

خو ده كريت )رولى ريكخراوى ئاسمانى , رولى سه المه تى ئاسمانى و ئه من, رولى مه شقى كه رسته ى




كيفية الاقتباس

Karwan Khalid Hamad, & Tavga Qadir Omer. (2020). Evaluate The Relationship Between the Air Transport Environment and The Quality Services Provided to Tourists in The Kurdistan Region. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 5(3), 415–440. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.5.3.17




الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين