The role of E-commerce for Aviation Company for passengers in Erbil for the period 2018 – 2019
iso impact, E-commrece used, Aviation CompanyAbstract
The research aims to study the role of E-commerce for aviation company for passengers in Erbil for the period 2018 – 2019, while is an exploratory In a sample of airlines the independent variable is represented in four axes: (The electronic used for master card, visa card, credit card) the role of ISO that affect the services provided to passengers by airlines. The research relies on the first two descriptive approaches that seek to describe the various economic phenomena and study the factors that led to their emergency. The number of airlines was (51) companies, the questionnaire was distributed to them as a tool to collect data and information, and then we developed a hypothetical model base on a set of assumptions, including: -
1- There is a statically significant moral relationship between (electronic used of master card, visa card, credit card) and requirement of service.
2- There is a significant statistical relationship between the affect of quality and ISO with requirement services.
3- Each of the four axes has an impact on the services provided by airlines.
4- Each of the (electronic used and ISO has an impact on the services provided by airlines.
There is a positive significant statistical relationship between E-commerce solves and increases efficiency services like (speed, quality, precise).
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