The Social Dimension in Judgment and Kurdish Proverbs (Alhajeh: Bahdianan is an example)
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Folkloric literature, social dimension, governance, proverbs, dialect, Kurdish society, problems.الملخص
The literature of folklore occupies a distinct place in the history of Kurdish literature because it is a literature of abundant production and rich in its branches, as there is a strong relationship between the folklore and the layers of Kurdish society. This relationship reached a distinct degree so that it is considered as a constitution of life can be consulted wherever necessary. This is clearly visible through the contents of Kurdish proverbs; therefore, the focus of this research is on the social aspects of the contents of these proverbs, especially if we know the subject was and still very important for the pioneers of the literature of the Kurdish folklore. Further, people use them daily to handle many things and social problems. The research also includes two axes; the first one tackles the proverbs in terms of lexicology, their definitions and peculiarities as well as comparing them with the spoken words, whilst the second part involves the individuals of the families in these proverbs. It also studies the negative
consequences and their impacts on the social life in general.
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كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2018 دكتؤر عبداهلل ياسين ئامَيدى, مامۆستاى ياريدەدەر حەيدەر جەوهەر ئەحمەد
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