The Relationship and Interaction between Religion and Culture

An Anthropological Research


  • Jabar Qader Ahmed Department of Sociology, College of Law and International Relations, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Religion, Culture, Relationship, Interaction, Ritual


Religion and culture have different relationships and interactions with each other, therefore, they have influence and dominance over individuals and groups according to the specification of societies, so that despite all the technology developments and other sciences. However, religion and culture still influence, with different ratios, the way of thinking, lifestyle, mental well-being, social integration and behavior of individuals and groups. Religion is one of the main forms of culture, but it has a significant role and influence on all other forms of culture, especially in societies that are closely attached to religion and culture.

Religion also affects the social system; It is an important part of organizing and controlling the social life of societies; Religion is also one of the key elements of spiritual culture. Religion has made a great influence on human thought, so it has tried to adapt and renew itself in order to persist and grow. Despite different interpretations of texts, it has taken the social and cultural environment into consideration. Regardless, most earthly and heavenly religions share the content and purpose of ritual although differ in the form and manner in which they are managed and practiced.

This research is qualitative research, the aim is to present the relationship between religion and culture. The result of this study showed that the dominance of culture over religion is clearly evident, especially in religious ceremonies and rituals. Or at work, lifestyle and money making, all of which are often dominated by traditional frameworks and social and cultural environments. Even the rituals of one religion vary from one society to another, which reflects the dominance of the cultural and social environment over religion.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Jabar Qader Ahmed. (2023). The Relationship and Interaction between Religion and Culture: An Anthropological Research. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 8(3), 65–93.




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