The Role of Social Intelligence in The Loyalty of the Guest An Analytical Study of the Number of Managers in Five-Star Hotels in The City of Erbil
Social Intelligence, guest’s loyalty , Situational awareness, Presence, clarityAbstract
The objective of the study is to define the role of Social Intelligence in its dimensions, Situational awareness, Presence, and the clarity and guest's loyalty -making process that the study adopts. This study aims to identify the problem of the study by asking a number of questions about the nature of the relationship, the influence and the difference between the independent variable, the hypothesis of the study was divided into four main hypotheses. In order to verify the validity of the hypotheses, it was subjected to a series of statistical tests. The study took the analytical descriptive approach. The variables of the study and its dimensions were described as well as the study society represented by the members of the faculty councils at the five stars hotels in Erbil and its sample represented by (15) faculty. The questionnaire was distributed to (100) (100) form, all valid for analysis, and the relationship of correlation, impact and variance was examined through the application of statistical methods by SPSS pct v.18, The study found a significant difference in the Social Intelligence variable that can be attributed to the difference in the total service of the sample of the study sample. The category that has a total service Between 15 - less than 30 years have a different view of Social Intelligence about other service categories. As for the suggestions of the study and It is necessary that the hotel managements give more attention to social intelligence of their staff when employing them or when promoting them to a higher rank specially those who are in direct contact with the guest, the most important of which the researcher suggested the need to invest the strong relationship between Social Intelligence and guest's loyalty at the macro and micro level and directed towards conducting studies and the formulation of strategic plans in five stars hotels in Erbil, so that the college that adopts Social Intelligence contribute to the recruitment of members of the boards of the hotels that have knowledge to The organization continues to work and adapt to its environment and then achieve growth, and give a fair opportunity for girls to enter the members of the boards of the hotels where the results showed a small number of female members of the councils of the faculties of the research, as well as make some recommendations on the Future studies.
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