
  • Lana Kamal Mohammed Department of Software and Informatics Engineering, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Moayad Y. Potrus Department of Information Technology, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Lebanese French University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




Graph Theory, web application testing (WAT), dynamic website, test case generation, software testing, Automated testing, Automated model-based testing


Web application testing is an essential process in software development that has become increasingly important in recent years because of the growing complexity and dynamic nature of web applications, in addition to the need to ensure their quality in a highly competitive market. The dynamic nature of web applications is one among the major difficulties in the field of testing web applications. Also, it is crucial to strike a balance between time to market and software quality. Furthermore, in an era of rapid technological advancement, web application testing remains an ongoing and evolving challenge for developers. Thus, this research proposes an approach to optimize the time of the testing phase in the software development life cycle. Within this work, the web application is represented as a graph model, which is then decomposed to facilitate the automatic generation of test cases. And presents an updated graph decomposition algorithm and demonstrates its usefulness in partitioning the graph models of web applications under test. Based on the results, applying the suggested work can reduce the testing time by ~90%. This significant time-saving potential not only accelerates the development lifecycle but also enables developers to allocate more resources to comprehensive testing, leading to more robust and reliable web applications


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How to Cite

Lana Kamal Mohammed, & Moayad Y. Potrus. (2024). WEB TEST CASE GENERATION WITH TIME OPTIMIZATION USING GRAPH DECOMPOSITION . QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 9(4), 1417–1447. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.9.4.54




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