بناء منهج إلعداد الدبلوماسيين العراقيين في معهد الخدمة الخارجية في ضوء معايير مقترحة


  • د. خالد خزعل رشيد يادكار قسم التربية العامة، الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية – اربيل


عداد الدبلوماسيين العراقيين، معهد الخدمة الخارجية، التعريف االجرائي


The purpose of this study is to build an approach having the ability to prepare Iraqi Diplomats for Foreign affairs service institute in light of suggested standards and in responding to its two inquiries : a. what are the required standards in building a scholastic
curriculum for the foreign affairs service institute concerning aims, content and evaluation? b. What are the curriculum constituents content for the foreign affairs service institute in light of suggested standards by the diplomats themselves? Depending on theoretical literature in addition to his experience in working in the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the researcher has prepared a special questionnaire related to his study in responding to the two inquiries. It includes data about a diplomat and its three prospects, with the articles of which dispersed over: twelve articles for the aims, fourteen for the content and fourteen for the evaluation. The researcher used duplicates and percentages in responding to the questionnaire's articles, and the percentages in the selecting of study sample, also he used arithmetic means and standards deviations in addition to standards ranks required to establish the curriculum. Furthermore, Ki- sequared has been used to know the level of weakness and strength of the studied sample - individuals' responses for theoretical materials articles and vocational skills articles. The study resulted in a group of standards for the three prospects (Aims, Content and Evaluation), by the diplomats responding to the questionnaire articles. Relying on the three standards, the researcher has built better the curriculum by coining curriculum general objectives, scholastic materials suggestion which consists of nineteen theoretical materials, eight vocational materials, let alone the credited hours for the overall materials that amount to (39) hours (31) hours of which are theoretical and (8) hours of which are vocational. In addition, the terms of study has been defined into four semesters, two of which for each year.


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How to Cite

د. خالد خزعل رشيد يادكار. (2021). بناء منهج إلعداد الدبلوماسيين العراقيين في معهد الخدمة الخارجية في ضوء معايير مقترحة. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 1(1), 95–146. Retrieved from https://journal.lfu.edu.krd/ojs/index.php/qzj/article/view/151


