
أ.د. شالل حبيب الجبوري


The evaluation of teacher’s performance is very important subject .In order to do the evaluation and construct a scale of scores for the following anises which related to the teachers performance:
 Axis of teaching
 Axis of scientific research
 Axis of community service
We construct a questionnaire and distributed for sample of teachers in Lebanese French University and then analysis the respondent data by using some statistical tools, we get the following scale of evaluation:
 Axis of teaching which got 35%.
 Axis of scientific research which got 34%.
 Axis of community service which got 31%.
Although we suggest score for each main variable in each axis .Finally fixed some conclusions and recommendations.


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How to Cite

أ.د. شالل حبيب الجبوري. (2021). مقترح لمقياس مكمم للمتغيرات المتعلقة بتقييم اداء التدريسي الجامعي من وجهة نظر التدريسيين. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 1(1), 72–94. Retrieved from https://journal.lfu.edu.krd/ojs/index.php/qzj/article/view/149