Marketing Media Production on Social Media
This research is an attempt to find out the impact of marketing and media production on users of social networking sites. This research is considered as descriptive research. The researcher showed the effect of marketing media production through sampling from users of social networking sites.
In the field of media, this research is characterized by an important specificity, as well as media institutions, they can rely on the results of this research to make an impact on public opinion. The main objective in this research is to know the effect of marketing on media production in social networking sites and how to increase the follower, viewer, listener and reader, as well as to know the impact of social networking sites on marketing. Through the most important conclusions reached by this research, it was found that the users of social networking sites are increasing day by day due to the improvement of Internet networks in the Kurdistan Region. Through the opinions of the samples taken in this research, it was found that first (Facebook) is more used among people, then (YouTube), while Twitter got the third place, meaning that Twitter has the least number of users in the Kurdistan Region.
According to the opinions of the respondents in this research, the social network (Facebook) is considered one of the most privileged sites for marketing media production by media institutions, and the reason for this is due to its easiness of using, as for media channels (Facebook and Twitter) are more used, and Facebook is more used for news channels. Compared to the classic media, the majority of respondents use social media more for the purpose of knowing news and information in the first place, while in the second degree they use social media as a means of communication, and social media sites in the Kurdistan Region are less used as a means of purchasing, selling and marketing.
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