Passion in Mahwi's poems


  • Mohammed Omar Ibrahim Marketing Department, College of Adminstration and Economics, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Passion, literature, ethics, the soul, Mahwi.


(Passion in Mahwi's poems) is the tittle of the present study in which the author tried to speak about the reflection of passion in his poetry and from this aspect the study deals with the facies of this reflection. The study, besides the preface and conclusions, consists of two parts. In the first part of the study (passion, the term pf passion, the concept of passion, and the features of it)
are dealt with theoretically. In the second part of the study (Mahwi and Passion) are dealt with practically and poem examples are presented for the topic. The most important results that the researcher achieved are that passion gives ethics to the man and the man can learn ethic rules from it. Moreover, the passion is not Marely a state happening in the soul but it the passion itself is the soul. The passion also reflects broadly in Mahwi's poems.




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