Iraq Elections Law No. (9) of 2020, Dimensions of Amendment and the Fate of Implementation


  • Hawar Muhammed yousif Department of Legal Administration, College of Administration & Economic, Lebanese French University, Kurdistan region, Iraq



Election, Iraq, law, amendment, Implementation


Elections attract a distinct place of interest as the means by which power is transferred and the blood of democracy is renewed. It is no surprise that the law governing it occupies a corresponding space of interest on the part of those concerned and even ordinary citizens. Such a situation applies primarily to a country that has long been without democracy, such as Iraq, and has inherited a heavy legacy of exclusionary and authoritarian social features and tendencies that make power a booty, and its circulation.

Through the channels of legitimacy is unpalatable to those who hold it. This explained the difficulty of the birth of the electoral law and the controversy and controversy around it, which extended to several rounds inside the dome of the Iraqi parliament, ultimately resulting in the amended version of the law on legislative elections, which was the opening list and electoral areas highlighted and the reasons for its delay.

 Despite the controversy surrounding the Iraqi electoral law.

Legal and political, the latter did not leave the texts and did not explore the depths of their implications or explore its projections and dimensions in terms of reality and the foreseeable political future. Hence, there is a need to reveal these implications and to investigate the future political implications of the Iraqi electoral law after its change.

 This is what has been addressed on three axes:

The first topic: the reasons for the amendment in the electoral law in the light of previous electoral laws.

The second topic: the keys to the significance of the new electoral law.

The third topic: the effect of the amendment in in the electoral law on the future of the political process in Iraq




أولاً : التشريعات

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- قانون انتخابات مجلس النواب العراقي رقم(9) لسنة 2020

ثانياً : الدوريات

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رابعاً : مصادر الشبكة الدولية للمعلومات

- د.حمدي السعدي، نظام القائمة المفتوحة والمغلقة في الانتخابات العراقية المقبلة .. من يؤيد؟ ومن يعارض؟، مقال منشور على موقع الرشيد الالكتروني،

- مخاض ما قبل الانتخابات بين خياري القائمة المغلقة والمفتوحة مقال منشور على شبكة النبأ

- د. هيثم غالب الناهي، قراءة توجيهية في قانون الانتخابات الجديد، شبكة المنصور

- الموسوعة السياسية


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