The effect of distance learning in the pronunciation of Arabic sounds Al - Itqan Quran recitation program by Dr. Ayman Sweid


  • األسجاذ امىساغد الدكجِر وحىد بشير حسي سا٤ٓث دٯا١٭/ ٞ٢ٰث ا١خؽةٰث ٢١ٓ٬٢م اإل٧فا٧ٰث/ ٛف٣ ا٢١ٖث ا١ٓؽةٰث



Arabic, Recitation, Quran, Specialist, Modern technology, Environment, Media


The research assumes that television programs as a tool of distance learning have an impact on learning the sounds of Arabic and its proficiency in pronunciation. Thesounds of Arabic language can be learnt only thru imitation ; the writing may not be
able to demonstrate the correct pronunciation of it. The students have received it from sheikhs, honestly extended to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), which gains a great deal of soundness in pronunciation and mastery.
Students of Arabic need the actual and proper pronunciation of these sounds to be empolyed in linguistic analysis and reach a self-assured rule. However, learning from professionals is not an easy job becausethe learner of Arabic may not be able to contact
the sheikh directly to take the proper performance of the sounds. There was an effective way to achieve it, namely, distance learning through meaningful television programs that deal with the fundamentals of proper recitation. Dr. AymanSweid'sshow of proficiency in reciting the Quran has a good effect on the minds of the educated. He addresses millions of them and teaches them the correct pronunciation. This study examines the feasibility of this idea and its effect on learning some of the sounds that linguists have disagreed upon in ancient and modern times andadoptsthe theoretical field in Arabic sources with the applied field that will be obtained from Dr. AymanSweid's aforementioned show, the rational basis.




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