Proposed Model for Quality Award at Arabic Higher Education Institutions


  • األشخاذ اىٍصاغد اىدنخٔر ٌطٍد ضصَ٘ ٌِٓو ساٌػث اىتطؽ



Quality award systems; Quality of knowledge; Higher education institutions


Quality become one of essential competitive advantages, All organization at the time of scientific and technological advancement trying hard to obtaining and maintaining then get benefits like reducing costs, defects, and enhancing the jockeying in the competition market, the quality became more important in the field of higher education because it focusing at the quality of knowledge, intellectual capital and building tool which performing development. Which requires developing systems and supportive mechanisms for implementing quality programs which depending on integrating the motivation and implementation, quality award systems represent one of the most important system which enhancing quality exercises .Based on the previous facts we suggest a proposed model for quality award in Arabic higher education institutions.




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