The role of the United Nations in solving the problem of Kurdistan region outside the administration of Kurdistan

Stefan Demstora's report on the district of Makhmour model


  • Sangar Ahmed Hussein Department of Social Science, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Serwan Arab Sadiq Department of Social Science, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hamed Abdulla Salih Department of Social Science, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Disputed areas, Stefan Demstora's report, Makhmour Article 140, Kurdistan regions


The problem of the Kurdistan regions that are located outside the administration of the Kurdistan region One of the most important outstanding problems between the Kurdistan regional government and the Iraqi government, this problem has taken on an international dimension parallel to its internal dimension, and its solution seemed to require a joint effort on all sides. After the March 1991 uprising, much of The Kurdistan territory of Iraq was liberated and parts of it remained under the control of the Iraqi government until the fall of the former regime in 2003 After that, these areas were liberated and became a point of contention between the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan regional government, which led to the Kurds' insistence on installing a special article for these areas in the state law for the transition in 2004 under article 58, after which this article was referred to the permanent constitution of Iraq within the Article 140 under the name "Disputed Areas", which covered areas ranging from Sinjar district to the study area of Finished in Badra district. This article addressed the problem in three stages and in a specific period of time In 2007, this time period had passed and the article had not been applied, so the problem arose again and both the Kurds and the Iraqi government agreed to the intervention of the United Nations to solve the problem. Through this study, we are trying to shed light on the district of Makhmour as one of the axes of the disputed areas, which was addressed in the report of the UN representative on solving the problem The problem of studying is procrastination, lack of satisfactory treatment, and the fact that the problem remains the same and complexity over time. The study aims to analyze the role of the UN representative in bringing the parties closer together. To achieve the goal of the study, the study was divided into four axes, the first axis dealt with the geographical dimension of the study area, while the second axis touched on the definition of crisis management by the United Nations, while the third axis was devoted to the study of the role of the United Nations in addressing the problem of regions Disputed. The fourth axis dealt with the report of the Un Representative Stéphane Dimstora on the district of Makhmour. In the end, the study reached a set of conclusions and recommendations.




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