Reader Station in The Novel of (Put A Name for This Context) of (Abdullah Sarajj)
Author, Text, Reader, Critism, Novelپوختە
This research, entitled (The Reciter’s Status in the Novel ((The Title of This Text)) by Abdullah Saraj) focused in this study on the role of the reader and its importance, whether in the context of this study or it was through the novel. As the reader did not stop at the margins of the text and superficial readings, as this was previously found in criticism, its methods, and literary studies in general. Rather, it goes beyond the depth of the text and closes the gaps, and creates an atmosphere around which the text and its writer revolve. That is why we tried to appreciate the role of the reader through this study in theory and practice and be in the folds of the novel (the title of this text) by Abdullah Sarraj, we analyze and evaluate his role, and this will not be our only goal. Rather, the writer in some way presented this issue in order to follow in this way. As for Kurdish literary study and criticism, it is lacking in this field, he did not care about the reader, especially when the repertoire of criticism and study is a novel that applies around him to emphasize it (the role of the reader). Of the gaps within the field of Kurdish criticism and literary studies. Our attempt is from this framework.
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