The preninciple of consensus and tha democratic consensus in moltiple societies Iraq after 2003 as a model


  • ئازاد عوسمان ساڵح بەشى زانستە سیاسیەکان / کۆلێژى زانستە سیاسیەکان / زانکۆى صەاڵحەددین
  • زانا محمد ئەنوەر بەشى زانستە سیاسیەکان / کۆلێژى زانستە سیاسیەکان / زانکۆى صەاڵحەددین



preninciple of consensus democratic consensus moltiple societies Iraq, Baath, Usa, shia, sonna, Kurd, fedral system, centralization.


Since the fall of the Ba'ath Regime in 2003, the type of authority and the form of the Iraqi Government has undergone drastic changes, including power-sharing government and rule among the diverse components; a deferral system based on consensus and accord among the different political powers and blocs in Iraq as the basis for re-structuring and re-establishing a new Iraq for the sake of a fair and equal power andrevenue sharing. All these have been stipulated in the Iraqi Federal Constitution with the support of the United States of America. Contrary to most Shi'te and Sunni blocs who do not believe in democracy and federalism because they see theseas a threat to the unity of Iraq simply as 'a central Arab State', Kurds from the beginning have supported establishing a democratic rule as well as a federal system. Although the Constitution has won a majority vote during a historic Referendum back in 2005, when representative of all parliamentary and government factions in Iraq participated, the real decision-makers from both the Legislative and Executive authorities from the main Shi'te Arabs violated the principles of  agreement to adopt the principles of majority rule to resolves the issues, especially in issues that are directly related to the Kurdistan Region; its land and the detached (disputed) territories. Consequently, instead of establishing a parliamentary democratic system, they adopted a central theocratic (Shi'te Islamic) rule in Baghdad, as a simple State. In spite of all these unresolved issues and major hindrances on the way to democratizing and federalizing Iraq, the new Iraqi State has not yet achieved its own sovereignty as such; the huge impact of the US policy on ruling Iraq is a clear indication of all the changes and developments. Ever since the downfall of the tyrannical Ba'ath Regime, the Iraqi Government has in many different ways opposed the rights of the Kurdistani people both in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I) and in the Kurdistani territories outside the KR-I; especially following the Referendum for Kurdistan Independence on 25 September, 2017, when the Iraqi Government entirely relinquished its sovereignty by siding with the Iranian and Turkish intelligence and military forces against the Kurds. The outcome was that both the processes of democratizing and federalizing Iraq were made to fail. Right after defeating ISIS with the help of Kurdish Peshmerga Forces and the International Coalition Forces, under the pretext of holding a Referendum for Kurdistan Independence in both Kurdistan Region and in the Detached Areas, the Iraqi central Government changed its war front to fight against Kirkuk Province and the other detached Areas which have long been protected and fought for by the Peshmerga Forces with countless sacrifices. Hence, fifteen years after the fall of the Ba'ath Regime, the Iraqi Government has now reached such a crossroad and is now suffering from such serious problems and deadlocks that the fate of the Iraqi State and coexistence among its diverse components in future is vague and unpredicted.




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