Geographical Analysis of The Distribution of Winter Wheat and The Barely Changed Harvest in The Prde Sub-District


  • Sarkawt Hamakhursheed Ahmed Department Of Geography, College of Education, Garmian University, Kalar, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Chiman Omer Abdulrahman Department Of Geography, College of Art, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Mustafa Salih Ismail Department of Geography, College of Art, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Samah Samad Ali Department of Geography, College of Education, Kirkuk University, Kirkuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Change, Positive Negative, Agriculture, Average, product, Map


The use of land planted with crops in the research area has seen significant changes between the year of origin (2010) and the comparative year (2022). However, in this study, we have benefited from the Geographic Information System program to make maps scientifically and cartographically prepared at the sector level, We can say that wheat and barley have become the income of the nation and are considered the main pillar of the country's economy, there are some obstacles that have had an effect on agriculture, which are natural solutions and human obstacles, as a result of the research, we found that the amount of wheat and barley crops has decreased at the level of the sectors in the total of (34) sectors (30) sectors ,In relation to the amount of production, all of them have taken negative directions, and the amount of crop change has been negative, the amount of wheat and wheat production in the district reached (9,876 tons) in the comparative year (7,756 tons) in the comparative year, so the rate of crop change between 2010 and 2022 reached (-90%(.




سەرچاوەی کوردی

بەهرە ڕەظا عسمان ، جیاوازی شوێنی پەرە پێدانی کشتوکاڵ لەپارێزگای هەولێر لێکۆلینەوەیەک لەجوگرافیای پەرەپێدان،چاپی یەکەم لەسالی ٢٠١٣.

کامەران تاهیر سەعید،جوگرافیای عێراق سروشتی ،هەولێر ٢٠١٤

عەبدوڵا غەفور،جوگرافیای باشوری کوردستان ، چاپی یەکەم،هەولێر٢٠٠٥.

ئەڤین عەلی ڕەحمان،نواندنی کارتۆگرافی گۆڕانکاری بەبەکارهێنانی زەوی زەوی کشتوکاڵی لەقەزای سۆران لەنێوان سالانی ٢٠٠٤-٢٠١٢چاپی یەکەم ٢٠١٥.

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وەزارەتی گواستنەوە گەیاندن دەزگای كەشناسی عێراق و بومەلەرزەزانی وێستگەی كەركوك بۆ سالی ٢٠١٠-٢٠٢١


عبداللە محمد سعید دانیشتوانی ناحیەکە لەبەرواری ١٠/٢/٢٠٢١

سەرچاوەی عرەبی

١. تقی الریاز ، الپورە الزراعیە و لقری اول ،موسعە الحجاریە العراق وزارت بقافە اعلام جزا سنە١٩٨٥.

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٦.حسن سید احمد ابوالعینین،ا‌صول الجغرافیا المناخیة،دار النهضة العربیة،للطباعة والنشر،بیروت،١٩٨٥،ص٤٣


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