Developments in International Administration of Regions as a Transitional Phase for State Building
A study within the framework of the United Nations
The international administration of territories is considered by many jurists of international law to be an old and new phenomenon at the same time. In fact, it has long roots that extend throughout the history of international relations, as international politics witnessed, since the beginning of the twentieth century, the experiences of this administration, during which the League of Nations played an important role in the twenties within the framework of the Treaty of Versailles.
The United Nations also played the same role within the framework of the trusteeship system, and the international administration also exercised broad executive powers in cases of absence of national authority, as was the case in the Congo operation in 1962, which represents the first United Nations operation, in which elements of peacebuilding were mixed with limited state-building activities. For this role to develop - after the end of the Cold War - through various operations, as the administration carried out many state-building tasks. There are also the Kosovo and East Timor operations by the United Nations, where the administration enjoyed a mandate that allowed it an unprecedented wide range of powers
أولاً: المصادر العربية
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