The Nineveh 5 pottery at Tell Lashkr (analytic and technical study)
Pottery, Nineveh, Mesopotamia, Clayپوختە
The pottery of Nineveh 5 is considered one of the most beautiful pottery in Mesopotamia, the period dating back to the beginning of the third millennium B.C and contemporary to the period of Jamdet Nasr. This type of pottery was discovered for the first time in the fifth layer of the city of Nineveh, in a different manner from previous periods. The north of Mesopotamia is a country rich of this kind of pottery, which was discovered in most of these sites. The Tell Lashkar, which is located East of the city of Erbil, in which huge numbers of Nineveh 5 pottery were discovered in archaeological layers. The types that were previously discovered in other areas, and the same quality that was discovered in Tell Lashkar. Through this research, we shed light on important topics such as (taking samples and shapes (all discovered types)), the characteristics of Nineveh 5 pottery in Tell Lashkar, the types of used clay, how to make and its stages). We have carefully classified all the discovered types of pottery from this period and are studying them carefully. And from the types of used clay, through our study we chose three types of clay and in their characteristics, we talked about the type of used common pottery.
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