The Basic Basic Symmetry Between Ersto and Descartes


  • Saewan Talaat Hamad Taher Department of Philosophy, College of Culture, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Methaphisic, Cogito, Being, Essence, Cartesian, doubt, God


The project goes on to have two types of models and a human thinking system, each with its own context and history. The first is Aristo, a teacher, and the second is Descartes, the father of modern Europe and enlightenment. The range between the two philosophers is about 2,000 years. But at the same time, their thinking is far from each other. One of them has its own method, and it has its own goals and achievements. In this study, with the method of analysis-comparison, our project begins to examine similar and different dimensions. The structure of the study includes three parts, with several basic axis; as follows: In the first part, an introduction to metaphysics is opened as a quick introduction. Then in the first part, Greek mythology is discussed by natural philosophers.

In this section, the metaphysic opinions of Arsto teacher Plato are mentioned that in some places he criticized the criticism and in some places he was strongly abiding. In the second part, the meaning and definitions of methology will be highlighted by Arsto and then the basics of four reasons and movements will be discussed.

‏In the third part of the study, which focuses on Descartes, he points to the basic methaphysics in Descartes' view: he is dealing with suspicion as a means of establishing methaphysics. Then, through methodical suspicion, he reaches the road to certainty and establishes Kojito as the famous philosopher. God gives the middle as the core of the high esteemed one. As a result, the points of the conflict will be made




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