The Impact of Using (Think-Pair-Share) Strategy in the Cognitive Achievement for Teaching History Lesson and Promoting Knowledge Motivation for Students


  • Sarhad Othman Ramadhan Department of Social Scince, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Hussen saadi Ibrahim Department of Single Games, college of, Physical Education and Sport Scinces, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Srategy, Think-Pair-Share, Cognitive Achievemnet, Cognitive Motivation, History


Think-Pair-Share Strategy is one of the modern and contemporary teaching strategies that focuses on changing lecturing inside class.

The study objectives are:

1-Identifying the effect of using think-pair-share strategy in knowledge achievement of 11th grade literary students in history lesson.

2-Identifying the effect of think-pair-share strategy on promoting knowledge motivation of 11th grade literary students in history lesson.

3-Identifying the effect of traditional strategy on promoting knowledge motivation of 11th grade literary students in history lesson

4-Identifying the difference between think-pair-share strategy and traditional strategy on promoting knowledge motivation of 11th grade literary students in history lesson.

The researcher has used experimental method and divided the samples to  control and experimental group. The experimental group were taught by using think-pair-share strategy, while the control group will be taught the same subjects by using traditional method. The researcher has put 12 lesson plans for each group and was able to implement the program within four weeks successfully.

For this study, two instruments were used:

1-Test for measuring promoting knowledge motivation: For this, the researcher has adopted (Abdlridha and Abid badan,2014) which was implemented in Iraq ,Baghdad for students of the fifth literary preparatory grade. The test consists of 44 items, for each item there are four options (Applies on me to a great extent , applies on me to a medium level , applies on me scarcely , does not apply on me) with , 1,2,3,4 scores for each option respectively.

2-Test for Achieving Knowledge: The researcher has used the test which was prepared by (Tanya Nuraddin Sabir 2019) that consisted of 7 questions which had 42 items distributed over six levels of Bloom taxonomy.

After implementing the procedures of the study, the following results have been obtained:

1-There is a statistically significant difference (0.05) in the mean of experimental group who were taught through think-pair-share strategy compared to the mean of those of the control group who were taught through the traditional strategy in the post test in knowledge achievement in history lesson.

2- There is a statistically significant difference (0.05) in the mean of experimental group who were taught through think-pair-share strategy compared to the mean of those of the control group who were taught through the traditional strategy in the pre-test and post- test in promoting knowledge motivation in history lesson.

3-There is no statistically significant difference from (0.05) between the mean score of the control group using the traditional strategy in pre-test an post-test in promoting knowledge motivation in history class.

4-There was a statistically significant difference (0.05) between the mean score of the experimental group ,those who have been taught through think-pair-share strategy, and those of the control group , who have been taught through the traditional strategy in the post-test in promoting knowledge motivation in history lesson.

After the results, the following conclusions have been drawn:

1-Using think-pair-share strategy is more effective on students' knowledge achievement compared to the traditional strategy in history lesson.

2-The experimental group won over the control group in the post test in promoting students' knowledge motivation in history lesson.

Based on the study results ,the following recommendations are put forward:

1-Opening training courses for teacher to use this strategy

2-Encouraging teachers to use this strategy


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Sarhad Othman Ramadhan, & Hussen saadi Ibrahim. (2022). The Impact of Using (Think-Pair-Share) Strategy in the Cognitive Achievement for Teaching History Lesson and Promoting Knowledge Motivation for Students. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 7(2), 200–226.


