An attempt to realize the role of the receiver's awareness in limiting the influence of television

Empirical Study


  • Hemen Majeed Hassan Department of Media, College of Human Sciences, Sulaymaniyah University, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Perception, role, awareness, recipient, influence


This research deals with a topic related to the recipient, which is considered by some of the most important people involved in media affairs, the structural engine of the media action and its structural goal, i.e. for this act, through the role played by the awareness that it possesses in limiting the effect that television intends to create in its human entity through its formative dimensions The basic of his cognitive, psychological and physical responses. From here, the research aims to:

  1. Ensure the importance of the recipient in the communication process and its

actual role in it.

  1. Disclosure of the role of awareness in achieving influence in the Communi-

cation process.

  1. Ensure that there is a relationship between awareness levels and the intensity

of the impact of television.

This research is considered descriptive research that is appropriate to understand the details of its basic variables and the interrelationships that provide us with what is happening in its space charged with reciprocal influence shipments, using the survey method through the survey interview tool, relying on two societal segments that are far apart in terms of their level of education, a research community, and from them, (40) male and female respondents were chosen, in equal proportion, between them.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hemen Majeed Hassan. (2020). An attempt to realize the role of the receiver’s awareness in limiting the influence of television: Empirical Study. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 5(4), 532–556.


