A Legal Analysis of the Constitutional Disputes Between the Iraqi Government and the Kurdistan Region (2005- 2013)


  • Nigar Dler Ahmad College of Law and Political Sciences, Salahaddin University



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Constitution, Disputes, . disputed referendum Article 140


This research paper will make a comprehensive legal analysis of the constitutional disputes between the Iraqi Federal  and Kurdistan Regional Government in a way that authorities are divided between the Iraqi Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, Powers Exclusively Given to the Federal Government, Powers Shared Between the Iraqi Federal  and the Kurdistan Regional Government and Powers that are Neither Given Exclusively nor Shared. This paper also discusses those conflicts that arise about the distribution of powers in the Iraqi constitution between the Iraqi Federal Government and Kurdistan Regional Government. Constitutional problems include oil and gas disagreements, disputed territorial areas between Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, article 140 in Iraqi constitution, and other issues including budget.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Nigar Dler Ahmad. (2021). A Legal Analysis of the Constitutional Disputes Between the Iraqi Government and the Kurdistan Region (2005- 2013). QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 2(5), 854–866. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.2.5.38


