أثـر الترويج على القرار الشرائي للمستهلك في اقليم كردستان


  • فرح بشير خليفة الجامعة اللبانية الفرنسية
  • أزور مهدي قاسم اغـا الجامعة اللبانية الفرنسية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Promotional mix; Consumer purchasing decision;consumer buying decision.


This study have been prepared to measure the effect of promotion level with its different types on consumer purchasing behavior and decision, taking into consideration that promotion as is one of the most important elements of marketing assortment and increasing sales. The study was conducted in Kurdistan Region – Iraq and targeted a sample of consumers of various domestic and consumer products in a number of commercial centers in Erbil, Dohuk and Sulaimaniya cities.
The researchers followed both a descriptive and analytical approaches that works on analyzing the data and linking them with their implications and interpretations in order to reach the best results that reflect the realism and the outcomes of the promotion, which in turn led to constructive conclusions and recommendations, that help companies learn better ways to promote reaching the desired impact by consumers. All information and data were collected by using one of the social survey tools, which is questionnaire and interview, in addition to other reliable books and references in this field. This study reflects the importance of raising the awareness of promotion and selecting its best types and tools which will affect consumer behaviors and
his purchasing decisions after differentiation and comparison with other producing companies.


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كيفية الاقتباس

فرح بشير خليفة, & أزور مهدي قاسم اغـا. (2021). أثـر الترويج على القرار الشرائي للمستهلك في اقليم كردستان. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 2(3), 19–38. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.2.3.02


