پاراستنى بەكاربەر لە بازرگانى ئەلیكترۆنیدا )توێژینەوهیەكى بەراووردكاریە(


  • م.ى. على طە اكرم زانكؤى لوبنانى فەرەنسى



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Consumer , protection, ECommerce , UNCITRAL model law.


This paper studies consumer protection in electronic commerce. This research is a comparative study. The core of this subject is that due to the growth of the world in the field of the electronic commerce, and the increment of the volume of e-commerce that is managed through the internet and other electronic means because of consumers resorting to the internet as a source of information, most states enact a law that is suitable with electronic commerce, and enact a law about consumer protection in this field . This research is divided into two chapters: Chapter one deals with the introduction to the electronic commerce. It includes the definition, advantages, disadvantaged, types, the problem and legal nature of the electronic commerce .
Chapter two is devoted to the legal protection of the consumer in the electronic commerce. It also includes a comparison between UNCITRAL model law on electronic commerce, European Law, and the Iraqi Law.


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كيفية الاقتباس

م.ى. على طە اكرم. (2021). پاراستنى بەكاربەر لە بازرگانى ئەلیكترۆنیدا )توێژینەوهیەكى بەراووردكاریە(. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 2(3), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.25212/lfu.qzj.2.3.01


