The Role of Reading in Enhancing EFL Learners’ Language Proficiency


  • Maysaa Abdulkareem Mahmood Department of ELT, College of Education, Knowledge University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Intensive & Extensive Reading ,EFL Language Proficiency, EFL learners, Reading-based Instruction


impact of reading as an effective skill in language learning. In fact, considerable EFL research has confirmed the existence of strong links between reading and language learning achievements. This study investigates the contribution of reading on EFL learners’ language proficiency level, as it explores the language learning benefits of the reading skill and demonstrates its role in developing the communicative competence, writing skill, listening ability, vocabulary amount, and grammatical knowledge. Moreover, it explores the factors that affect students’ reading skills and attempts to examine the difficulties and problems that cause reading deficits. The study also tries to illustrate the factors that help teachers offer a successful reading programme and tends to suggest the steps and the procedures necessary for providing an effective reading instruction.

To accomplish this research, a case study was conducted at the Department of English in Paitaxt Institute in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq-Erbil. The informants were first year EFL students and teachers. The research was accomplished in the form of a case study and used both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Three main research instruments were used: Teachers’ questionnaire, students’ questionnaire, and classroom observation. The results obtained from the three instruments revealed that reading plays important roles in improving and enhancing language skills. Both classroom and extensive reading have abundant language learning benefits. Moreover, the results showed that the lack of motivation and language competence are the main obstacles that cause poor reading


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كيفية الاقتباس

Maysaa Abdulkareem Mahmood. (2022). The Role of Reading in Enhancing EFL Learners’ Language Proficiency . QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 7(4), 1168–1196.


