The Impact of Blended Learning on Student’s Achievement at Lebanese French University


  • Shahla Hemin Ismail Language Center, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Adnan Fadhel Khaleel Department of Education, College of Basic Education, University of Dohuk, Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Blended Learning, Academic achievement, LFU traditional and online learning, MAP.


Nodaway, teachers everywhere are implementing technology as an additional resource for teaching to aid them in their classroom. Many of the teachers are encouraged to utilize some of the applications, social media and other technological materials programs to help their students succeed. It’s imperative that learners are given opportunities to demonstrate what they know using different tools. The question in this study is can the teachers implement technology consistently in the classroom to assist in the academic achievement of all students?  In LFU the blended learning is implemented on 3rd year students of General Education Department /Branch of English morning and evening studies. The name of the application that utilized in this study is Edmodo. The teacher and the students used Edmodo as their device to prop blended learning in the classroom. 

The present study consisted of 59 students, data was collected and analyzed to examine the influence of blended learning (traditional and online learning) on student’s achievement success. The purpose of the study was to see if student achievement raised with utilizing blended learning into daily classroom instruction.  A t-test was administered and assessed to see the possible effect on student achievement with added blended learning component. The t-test results indicated that there is a significant change in student achievement when a blended learning model is added in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Shahla Hemin Ismail, & Adnan Fadhel Khaleel. (2021). The Impact of Blended Learning on Student’s Achievement at Lebanese French University. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 6(4), 1111–1121.


