Evaluating the quality management of mathematics teaching at the university level according to the American Quality Management Standards (ISLLC)
Assessment, Performance, faculty members, quality standards, quality management, ISLLC.Abstract
The main aim of this study is to evaluate the quality management of math instruction at the university level according to (ISLLC) Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium 2015, Standard 4. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, so it aims to: prepare a list of sub standards for quality management of mathematics members performance at the universities of Kurdistan Region of Iraq, through which the component of the 4th standard could be measured e.g. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, identify the extent of achieved performance in general, and in each areas and finally to find out the significant differences in achieved performance among areas and universities. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method for collection, classification and processing the data. Based on analysis of the fourth standard the researcher prepared a list of statements (sub standards) that cover the quality of math instruction management, through the faculty members performance, the list contains 23 sub standards, according to which the researcher designed a questionnaire consisted of 23 items allocated on the three areas. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was checked. The questionnaire was implemented from (8/2) - (22/2)/ 2020. An intentional sample of universities was used. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for processing the data.
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