The Implementation of Student-centered Learning Through Presentation for Speaking Skills
student centered approach, presentation, speaking skill, English language, StrategiesAbstract
Student-centered approach has tremendously been used as an important approach in teaching and learning English language. Applying certain activities while using this approach is considered to be a primary step. This has been investigated by numerous studies. However, there is a limited number of studies about how presentation as an activity can improve student’s speaking skill in the student-centered approach. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the application of presentation as an activity in improve student’s speaking skill in the student-centered approach. For this regard, an experimental design was used with having pretest and posttest as main instruments. Totally, 48 students were selected from the English department in the College of Education and Languages at Lebanese French University in Erbil, Kurdistan Region. After finishing the process of data collection, Paired sample t test was utilized to analyze the data. The findings of pretest and posttest demonstrated that the progress of student’s speaking skill was highly noticed. Nevertheless, statistically the improvement of control group was not as important as experimental group which is the group that students implemented presentation as an activity. Hence, presentation as an activity can be significantly followed for improvising student’s speaking skill
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