Role, Shmshal, Music, Kurdish Society Kurdistan of Iraq
Musical groups include primarily oriental instruments. The most prominent of these instruments is the shmshal which is characterized by a different style of playing because of the importance of light. This research was presented to explain the role of the shmshal in Kurdish society, and given the significance of this topic to researchers, the need for research has emerged. This paper consists of a summary, introduction, research problem, importance of the research, purpose of the research, scope of the research, and definition of the most important terms. The theoretical framework consisted of two topics: the name of the instrument, definition of the instrument, description of the instrument, history, measurements, playing style, playing techniques, construction of the instrument, scale keys, range, shape and components of the instrument, and types of shnshal instruments. The second chapter discusses the role of the instrument on social and religious occasions, as well as other aspects of life and the lives of a number of prominent musicians in Kurdish society, followed by conclusions and recommendations
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