The Statement of Ruanga Movement and Kurkuk Group - Kfri between literary theory and literary criticism
Literary Movement, Literary Theory, Literary Statement, Literary Discourse, Critical PrincipleAbstract
This research is entitled “The Statement of Ruanga Movement and Kurkuk Group - Kfri between literary theory and literary criticism”. It is an attempt to represent the nature of the Statement of Ruanga Movement and Kurkuk Group - Kfri. The research focuses on the perceptions and critical principles of the Statements. The Statements are viewed and evaluated as literary attempts. This is conducted under the light of literary theory, literary criticism and literary schools. The research signals the literary principles, critical ideas and artistic features of the Statements. It presents the identity of their ideas and principles.
The current research is divided into some sections. The first section is concerned, under the light of literary school thoughts, with literary movements and literary works. The emphasis of the second section is on the nature of Ruanga Movement and Kurkuk Group-Kfri and the nature of their Statements. The third section highlights the Statements of Ruanga Movement and Kurkuk Group-Kfri from the perspective of literary criticism and literary theory. Finally, the conclusions, references and Arabic and English abstracts of the research are presented
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