The Influence Of COVID-19 On Planning and Control Performance Measurements and Management in Kurdistan Region Banks
This paper analyses bank strategy and performance monitoring measures to evaluate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the banking industry and to examine strategic improvements in management. The paper also explores the position of COVID-19 in the management of the banking industries, using a self-admitted survey study and response during the crisis. In general, the findings indicate the recession and the countercyclical credit position which banks are supposed to play placed banking structures under considerable stress, requiring strategic adjustments and management such that performance measurements can be maintained and enhanced. The efficiency of political interventions has been combined with these flaws which must be watched closely while the pandemic begins to affect the world's economies. Our analysis also uses these vulnerabilities to calculate managed results. In the current competitive situation of COVID-19, the findings of the survey show that banking success tends to decline, although the association review of strategic preparation, management interventions and the amount of covid cases show a substantially positive connection, which indicates the increased use of new methods for the present epidemic.
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