To what extent, the struggle of the French Classes has an impact on Establishing the French National Assembly in (1789) and its Effects


  • Hana Ali Hama Department of History, College of Humanities, University of Raparin, Kurdistan region – Iraq
  • Ahmed Hama Mustafa Department of History, College of Humanities, University of Raparin, Kurdistan region – Iraq
  • Rawaz Mahmud Rasul Department of History, College of Humanities, University of Raparin, Kurdistan Region-Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Revolution, King, France, Social Classification, National Assembly.


The Estates General had been established in (1302), but until (1614) it was passive and had not held any meetings. By the command of King Louis XVI, the assembly had been reactivated and the election was held. The nominated of all classes namely (Nobles, Clergy, and General Classes) were elected. The Estates General which was representative of the overwhelming majority of the French people, had conflict with both other classes, for obtaining the rights of the Estates General. Furthermore, the representative of the Estates General had a significant role, in the French Revolution. This research is could be considered as an attempt to put shed light on the role of the National Assembly’s effects in (1789), as it was the greatest and the most effective political organization in France. There are a number of factors of its establishment, and it had a crucial role in ruling France. In addition, the struggle of the classes which was as one of the most important factors has been discussed here. This research consisted of introduction, prologue, and three main sections. The first section consisted of the economic and social conditions of the classes, and widen the economic and social differences of the French classes was one of the main reasons of establishing the Classes Assembly then which was changed to the National Assembly. The second section dedicated to the transition period from the Classes Assembly to the National Assembly. In the final section, National Assembly and its effects on the outbreak of the Revolution, and the civil constitution for France were established.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hana Ali Hama, Ahmed Hama Mustafa, & Rawaz Mahmud Rasul. (2023). To what extent, the struggle of the French Classes has an impact on Establishing the French National Assembly in (1789) and its Effects. QALAAI ZANIST JOURNAL, 8(4), 663–697.




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