Indications of Linguistic Structures in Jawahery’s Poetry Those Poetries That Are Composed for Kurds and Kurdistanis As A Sample
This study is titled ‘Indications of Linguistic Structures in Jawahery’s Poetry: Those Poetries That Are Composed for Kurds and Kurdistanis As A Sample”. This topic has been selected for two reasons: the first reason is that Jawahery was a revolutionist and a rebellion poet, and he was fond of truth, peace and justice; the second one is that he composed many poems on Kurdish revolution and its leaders. Thus, this study aims at examining the structure of those poetries that are written for Kurds and Kurdistan.
This study aims at gaining insight into the structure of nominal and verbal sentences in the poetries that are written by Jawahery on Kurds and Kurdistan. This study consists of two sections. The first section is devoted to nominal sentences, the second is concerned with verbal sentences. This study ends with the most concluding points derived from this study, and with the list of used references.
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